Easy ways to support The Schools Foundation
Your support provides funding for professional development for teachers and school leaders, mock exams and Saturday Prep sessions for students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses and allows us to respond to the school district needs.
The Schools Foundation Endowment Fund will be a permanent source of capital that will provide a foundation of financial support for the Huntsville, Madison and Madison County School Districts.
Contributions in Action
We invest directly in the classroom. Since 2000, The Schools Foundation has directed almost $2,000,000 to this effort. We have a history of delivering quality professional development programs for teachers and administrators and a reputation for supporting innovative technology to enhance teaching and learning.

The Schools Foundation

The Foundation serves as an education advocate and provides a central voice for strategic engagement on issues relating to education which impact our schools. We interact with local and state leaders and education stakeholders, while serving as a vehicle for individuals and businesses to support public education in Madison County.

There is nothing more important than our students.
Parent, business, and community involvement are essential for quality education.
Teachers must have personal and career development opportunities that help inspire and prepare students to be successful.
Every constituency within the community has a stake and deserves a voice in the success of public education.

Support initiatives that promote high expectations for professional leadership.
Ensure an engaged and involved community in order to create a strong sense of belonging, caring, involvement, and support.
Support cross-district collaboration.
Seek financial support for educational needs.
The Schools Foundation's programs
This program supports the funding of extra-curricular activities such as sports and fine arts for students with financial challenges in Huntsville City, Madison City and Madison County schools.
Principally Speaking Network “PSN” is a professional development program for school administrators designed to assist participants in increasing student achievement through more effective leadership practices.
Raise Your Hand is a bold initiative to add 500 new National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) to Huntsville City, Madison City and Madison County school systems.
ReCharge provides tailored content for teachers and staff that focus on the importance of your mental health and overall wellness.