About Us
The Schools Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization with one very important goal: to support principals, teachers, and students in Huntsville City Schools, Madison County Schools, and Madison City Schools of Alabama.
The Schools Foundation will be recognized statewide as a driving force for excellence in public education that helps create world-class schools in Huntsville City, Madison City, and Madison County Schools in Alabama.
The Schools Foundation supports Huntsville City, Madison City, and Madison County public schools through programming, funding, and advocacy for principals, teachers, and students.
The Foundation serves as an education advocate and provides a central voice for strategic engagement on issues relating to education which impact our schools. We interact with local and state leaders and education stakeholders, while serving as a vehicle for individuals and businesses to support public education in Madison County.
There is nothing more important than our students.
Parent, business, and community involvement are essential for quality education.
Teachers must have personal and career development opportunities that help inspire and prepare students to be successful.
On-going communication among stakeholders creates mutual trust and respect.
We cannot solely depend on local, state and federal governments to fully meet our needs.
Every constituency within the community has a stake and deserves a voice in the success of public education.
Support initiatives that promote high expectations for professional leadership.
Ensure an engaged and involved community in order to create a strong sense of belonging, caring, involvement, and support.
Support cross-district collaboration.
Seek financial support for educational needs.

The Schools Foundation is composed of an all-volunteer board
representing Huntsville, Madison County, and Madison City.

Mary Beth Wilson
ERC, Inc.

Taron Thorpe
CB&S Bank
Vice President

Paige Nix
KODA Tech. Inc.

Drew Yarbrough

Laura Barnard
Sweet Tea Communications, LLC

Erin Cobb
Erin Cobb Photography

Amanda Cordonis

Sarah Fanning
Retired Teacher

Melanie Forbes
Pinnacle Financial Partners

Pat Garner

Lori Light

Dr. Shannon Neblett
Heart of the Valley YMCA

Amber Montgomery
MTA, Inc.

Dr. Libby Parker
Education Coordinator, Heart of the Valley YMCA

Dr. Tammy Summerville
Retired Educator

Debra West
Retired Educator/
Not Pictured
Mark Debro, Grace, Matthews & Debro, LLC
Sydney Martin, Toyota Motor North America
Ana Santos-Diaz
Jeanne Baird Greer - Executive Director
Liz Boykin - Director of Operations

A united Schools Foundation was formed in the fall of 2000 to enhance public education in all public schools in Huntsville, Madison County, and the City of Madison. This Foundation identified new partners, eager to contribute toward the enhancement of public education in all area schools.
With the support of the community, this vision has resulted in:
enhanced educational opportunities for students
new professional development opportunities for teachers and principals
a pattern of collaboration among the school districts.
Better educational opportunities benefit not only students but also local economic development and the quality of life enjoyed by everyone in our community.
Since 2000, The Schools Foundation has expanded collaboration with community, educational, and corporate partners in support of:
Speak Up Huntsville City, Madison County, and Madison City! - a community engagement initiative
A+ College Ready - for advanced placement in math, science, and English
Principally Speaking Network - with the participation of school principals across North Alabama
Military Child Educational Coalition
Teacher Scholarships and Excellence in Education Classroom Grants
Powerful Conversations Network
Team America Rocket Challenge
Distance Learning Technology
North Alabama Kindergarten Conference and The Great Teacher Conference
Sign Up To Round Up! - a citizen-driven program with over 7,300 participants
Federal Impact Aid program
Department of Defense Education Agency grants
Redstone Arsenal Garrison Education initiatives
Chamber of Commerce Workforce Education Coalition