Three easy ways for you to help support education with The Schools Foundation

The Schools Foundation, in partnership with Huntsville Utilities, has provided a simple and painless way for everyone in the area to make pocket change into a powerful mechanism to support public education.
You can authorize Huntsville Utilities to round up your monthly utility bill to the next highest dollar.
It might be a penny, it might be 25¢, at the most $12 per year. Whatever it is, it's a simpler check to have to write, a nice round amount, and that extra pocket change goes to help our schools.
The Schools Foundation relies on the generosity of individuals and our corporate partners to deliver quality programming.
Your support provides funding for professional development for teachers and school leaders, mock exams and Saturday Prep sessions for students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses and allows us to respond to the school district needs.
The Schools Foundation Endowment Fund will be a permanent source of capital that will provide a foundation of financial support for the Huntsville, Madison and Madison County School Districts.
We have established the endowment to become a source of sustained, long-term funding for students today and students tomorrow.

You may also send your contribution and any notes about what programs you would like to support to:
The Schools Foundation
P.O. Box 763 Huntsville, AL 35804
Thank you for your interest in supporting The Schools Foundation! Please fill out the form below so we may know the nature of your interest and the best ways to contact you.

Contributions in Action
We invest directly in the classroom. Since 2000, The Schools Foundation has directed almost $2,000,000 to this effort. We have a history of delivering quality professional development programs for teachers and administrators and a reputation for supporting innovative technology to enhance teaching and learning. By creating programs that help fill a need in the school districts, we collaborate and then implement, maintaining a focus on increasing student achievement.
The Schools Foundation works diligently with community partners and each school system to identify areas of greatest need.
Examples of our work include: scholarships and classroom grants for teachers, Team American Rocket Competition, A+ College Ready, the Military Child Education Coalition, and the Principally Speaking Network. The Schools Foundation continues to identify and support technological advances and professional development. The Foundation works to build volunteer and business partnerships and to strengthen community support for education. The Educators Institute was established in 2009 to serve as a volunteer organization in support of educational initiatives. Membership in this group is open to all interested individuals.
Contributions from The Schools Foundation programs are distributed on an equitable basis to the three school systems based on student enrollment.